Chapter 10 Abnormal returns after large stock price changes: Evidence from Asia-Pacific markets
Asia-Pacific Financial Markets: Integration, Innovation and Challenges
ISBN: 978-0-7623-1471-3, eISBN: 978-1-84950-514-7
Publication date: 12 December 2007
This chapter aims to expand the overreaction literature by examining whether the price reversals occur in the short-term period (i.e., 3 days) and long-term period (i.e., up to 20 days), following large 1-day price changes in Asia-Pacific markets over the period 2001–2005. Our results based on firm data in three Asia-Pacific markets, namely, Australia, Japan, and Vietnam, and static and dynamic measures of large price changes indicate the followings. First, stock prices tend to reverse over the short-term period after large price changes. Second, in the case of large price declines defined by arbitrary trigger values, investors may earn profit from exploiting the phenomena of price reversals; however, the profit is not large enough to exploit since it is less than the profit from passive funds. This result is supportive of the weak form of efficient market hypothesis. Third, we find mixed evidence of long run price reversal across markets. Forth, market conditions (i.e., bear or bull) may not explain the magnitude of price reversals. Finally, the dynamic measures of large price changes based on individual firms provide more consistent evidence across markets, which is supportive of short-term price reversals and overreaction hypothesis. This evidence exists in the emerging market of Vietnam as well as developed Australian and Japanese markets.
Thang Long Pham, V., Quoc Tho Nguyen, D. and Tô, T.-D. (2007), "Chapter 10 Abnormal returns after large stock price changes: Evidence from Asia-Pacific markets", Kim, S.-J. and Mckenzie, M.D. (Ed.) Asia-Pacific Financial Markets: Integration, Innovation and Challenges (International Finance Review, Vol. 8), Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 205-227.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
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