Direct and indirect use of country of origin cues for hybrid and non-hybrid products
New Directions in International Advertising Research
ISBN: 978-0-76230-950-4, eISBN: 978-1-84950-167-5
Publication date: 26 September 2002
This study explores country of origin phenomena by assessing the impact of hybrid vs. non-hybrid products on target consumers' product evaluation. In addition, since advertising is a major form of marketing communication that is used to present consumers with information and image of products and build preferences, the impact of indirect country of origin cues through foreign language slogan is also investigated.Results from the study indicate a significant difference between French hybrid and non-hybrid products. This distinction between hybrid and nonhybrid products may be relevant only when the relative roles of design and manufacture are considered simultaneously. The impact of foreign words in ads on product evaluation is observed to be similar to that of the direct country of origin cues.
Yun, T., Lee, W.-N. and Sego, T. (2002), "Direct and indirect use of country of origin cues for hybrid and non-hybrid products", Taylor, C.R. (Ed.) New Directions in International Advertising Research (Advances in International Marketing, Vol. 12), Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 195-214.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2002, Emerald Group Publishing Limited