Chapter 8 Setting performance standards for National Board assessments: A reprise on research and development
ISBN: 978-0-7623-1055-5, eISBN: 978-1-84950-530-7
Publication date: 4 February 2008
This chapter details the standard-setting methods used in the development of the NBPTS assessments. The dominant Profile Judgment Method was originally applied only to the NBPTSs Early Adolescence/English Language Arts assessment (EA/ELA). Although extremely flexible, it proved to be too complex, and increased the likelihood of false-negative errors in candidate classification. The Direct Judgment Method was found to be combatively economical; however, it was the Judgmental Policy Capturing (JPC) approach that was used since its approach was more akin to the everyday judgments we all make. The two-stage process of the JPC method will be describe in detail, using the standard-setting process used with the Early Adolescent through Young Adult/Art (EAYA/A) Assessments as an example.
Jaeger, R.M. (2008), "Chapter 8 Setting performance standards for National Board assessments: A reprise on research and development", Stake, R.E., Kushner, S., Ingvarson, L. and Hattie, J. (Ed.) Assessing Teachers for Professional Certification: The First Decade of the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (Advances in Program Evaluation, Vol. 11), Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 211-229.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2008, Emerald Group Publishing Limited