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Value delivery and value-based pricing in industrial markets

Creating and managing superior customer value

ISBN: 978-1-84855-172-5, eISBN: 978-1-84855-173-2

Publication date: 1 November 2008


After pioneering, but insular, work on the conceptualization and measurement of customer value in business markets undertaken in the 80s and 90s, interest in this topic is substantial since the beginning of this decade. Despite this recent interest, marketing scholars concur that value in business markets is still an under-researched subject. This contribution to the debate is threefold. The paper first proposes an own model of customer value conceptualization in business markets; based on several rounds of testing this theoretically grounded model in managerial practice indications exist to conclude that this model may offer benefits over current models.

Secondly, the paper provides a comprehensive survey of pricing approaches in industrial markets. The paper integrates this literature overview with own empirical findings. Concurrently the paper summarizes extant research on the link between pricing approach and profitability in industrial markets. The paper thirdly proposes a framework for value delivery and value-based pricing strategies in industrial markets. Proposing such a framework is both useful as well as necessary. Useful, since this framework guides new product development and pricing decisions and assists in the implementation of price-repositioning strategies for existing products; necessary, since the theoretical and practical adoption of value-based delivery and pricing strategies may have suffered from the lack of a unifying conceptual framework. Two case studies, one involving the pricing decision for a major product launch at a global chemical company, the other involving value delivery at an industrial equipment manufacturer, illustrate the practical applicability of the proposed framework.


Hinterhuber, A. (2008), "Value delivery and value-based pricing in industrial markets", Woodside, A.G., Golfetto, F. and Gibbert, M. (Ed.) Creating and managing superior customer value (Advances in Business Marketing and Purchasing, Vol. 14), Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 381-448.



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