Functions, trust, and value in business relationships
Creating and managing superior customer value
ISBN: 978-1-84855-172-5, eISBN: 978-1-84855-173-2
Publication date: 1 November 2008
Managers and academics alike focus on value creation in business relationships. This paper adds to existing literature by analyzing functions of business relationships and their impact on value perception. Applying a customer perspective, direct relationship functions are concerned about payment, quality, and volume. Indirect functions include innovation, access, and scouting. Furthermore, trust and number of alternative suppliers are included in the study. The empirical results illustrate the important role of direct and indirect functions for value creation. Understanding these functions is instrumental for driving customer value, both for the supplier and the seller. Direct functions do have a much stronger impact on value than indirect functions that still do have a significant impact. Thus, increasing direct function fulfillment is much more effective in order to gain key supplier status than relying only on indirect functions. But indirect functions may offer ample differentiation opportunities. Being a strong driver of relationship value, trust is also driven by function fulfillment. Thus, relationship value depends on rational elements (functions) and social elements (trust). Availability of alternative suppliers increases the importance of relationship function fulfillment on customer value and customer trust. In highly competitive markets, suppliers need clear understanding and communication of relationship value in order to succeed.
Ritter, T. and Walter, A. (2008), "Functions, trust, and value in business relationships", Woodside, A.G., Golfetto, F. and Gibbert, M. (Ed.) Creating and managing superior customer value (Advances in Business Marketing and Purchasing, Vol. 14), Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 129-146.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
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