Final customers’ value in business networks
Creating and managing superior customer value
ISBN: 978-1-84855-172-5, eISBN: 978-1-84855-173-2
Publication date: 1 November 2008
This paper explores the value of the final customer in business networks. The preferences of the final customer define the concept of the network customer. The central argument of this paper is that companies within networks of value-creating relationships can act as integrators, which by interlocking limited value perspectives, can approximate an absolute value horizon that includes network customer considerations. Such interlocking activity constitutes a managerial challenge. As such, the interconnecting activity extends companies’ value horizons and can be characterized as a relationship capability, which is managerial knowledge capital that is not residing within isolated organizational actors but within the interrelations between them. Accordingly, such knowledge becomes a significant resource that can be used by both the organizations to improve their network position. By deconstructing the notion of value, this paper demonstrates the need for greater conceptual clarity and operationalization of value in the wider field of marketing, and specifically for business-to-business marketing.
Henneberg, S.C. and Mouzas, S. (2008), "Final customers’ value in business networks", Woodside, A.G., Golfetto, F. and Gibbert, M. (Ed.) Creating and managing superior customer value (Advances in Business Marketing and Purchasing, Vol. 14), Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 99-127.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2008, Emerald Group Publishing Limited