The Conceptual Common Denominator Between Bellah, Giddens, and Habermas and its Significance
Social Theory as Politics in Knowledge
ISBN: 978-0-76231-236-8, eISBN: 978-1-84950-363-1
Publication date: 3 December 2005
This chapter examines the significance of the fact that the fundamental outlook of modern religion according to Bellah, is compatible with the description of reality and the system of analytic concepts crystallized by Giddens and Habermas in their analysis of modern society. The conceptual common denominator between these three researchers indicates that Bellah's as well as Giddens’ and Habermas’ thought include an anti-nomological reflexive scientific-educative narrative that reflects a vision of the desired face of human society. A vision calling for the encouragement of continual reflexivity and the personal involvement of the individual in constructing his social reality. This common denominator brings to light a transition in the sociological-theoretical arena – flexing past borders created between theoretical streams in light of the fact that the roots of Bellah's thought lie in the Functionalistic tradition, Giddens’ in the Positivistic tradition and Habermas’ in the neo-Kantian tradition.
Reiner, H. (2005), "The Conceptual Common Denominator Between Bellah, Giddens, and Habermas and its Significance", Lehmann, J.M. (Ed.) Social Theory as Politics in Knowledge (Current Perspectives in Social Theory, Vol. 23), Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 279-299.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
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