Case studies
Teaching cases offers students the opportunity to explore real world challenges in the classroom environment, allowing them to test their assumptions and decision-making skills before taking their knowledge into the workplace.
Carol O'Reilly is the Executive Vice President of a regional bank in the New York metro area. She is evaluating an investment in online banking as an extension of bank services…
Carol O'Reilly is the Executive Vice President of a regional bank in the New York metro area. She is evaluating an investment in online banking as an extension of bank services. Her bank, East Side Bank, is one of the most productive in the U.S. In fact, it was named America's most efficient bank in 1998. This became a cornerstone of their marketing strategy and they fiercely protected their efficiency ratio. She received a visiting contingent of bankers from Finland. Their use of technology and online banking was far more developed than most U.S. banks. Yet they were not nearly as efficient as the top U.S. banks. They discovered on their visit, that their cross selling had suffered as their online capability advanced. The U.S. bank customer was more profitable because they used multiple bank services and were willing to pay higher fees for the personal contact. This case centers on the implications of this revelation to East Side Bank.
The primary subject matter of this case concerns the potential impact of the adoption of online banking to a commercial bank. Secondary issues include strategic decision making in the banking industry and a comparison of the impact of technology on banks in Finland and the U.S.
The case has a difficulty level of three, which makes it appropriate for a junior level course. The case is designed to be taught in ½ hours and requires about 3 hours of preparation. It is designed for use in Strategy, Marketing, Money and Banking, or International Business courses.
Gerry Yemen and Martin N. Davidson
David Walker, a senior attorney in a busy white-shoe law practice is involved in an in-office dispute between his administrative assistant and a respected colleague. He had spent…
David Walker, a senior attorney in a busy white-shoe law practice is involved in an in-office dispute between his administrative assistant and a respected colleague. He had spent numerous hours listening to both sides tell their stories and has no answers. How was he ever going to help two people he valued greatly work out a compromise between their extremely polar positions? The case provides opportunities to explore the sources of interpersonal conflict, causes of escalation, and ways of diffusing and resolving it.
This case presents the challenges facing a new pastor at Whitney Avenue Congregational church. For many years the church has seen declining membership. Karl, the new pastor, is…
This case presents the challenges facing a new pastor at Whitney Avenue Congregational church. For many years the church has seen declining membership. Karl, the new pastor, is expected to help foster growth, but as he has learned, some organization members fear that he may want to change more than they would like to see changed. Karl must decide how to conduct himself at the next church council meeting. He also must decide on an approach to effect positive change in the organization.
Designed to teach conjoint analysis, this case challenges students to make tactical decisions based on marketing research. It should be paired with the technical note “A Practical…
Designed to teach conjoint analysis, this case challenges students to make tactical decisions based on marketing research. It should be paired with the technical note “A Practical Guide to Conjoint Analysis” (UVA-M-0675) and that note’s accompanying supplemental PowerPoint file (UVA-M-0675TNP). A National Basketball Association franchise is struggling to increase attendance. It contracts a marketing research firm to conduct a conjoint analysis focusing on several aspects of its season ticket offerings with the hope that it can profitably improve its attractiveness.
Business Administration (Marketing).
Subject area
Business Administration (Marketing).
Student level/applicability
Case overview
Although it has become fashionable to talk about how things business are changing at a nanosecond pace owing to hyper-competition, disruptive technologies and empowered consumers; the real change has been based on digital revolution and management of information. Most of the new introductions are entering a phase of facelessness from being innovative within a year of their appearance; whereas, as per one estimate, the breakeven volume is achieved after three years. This puts insurmountable financial pressure on marketing companies. In order to remain ahead of competition, they are introducing more and more new products in growth areas. In this paradoxical, complex situation; a reputed marketer in the pharmaceutical arena like Artichem entered a maturing market of Omeprazole whereas growth areas like Lansoprazole, Pantoprazole and Esomeprazole were still open to them. Did they make a mistake? Was it a bad idea to embark upon? Should they go for introducing new molecules even after a successful launch in the same segment?
Expected learning outcomes
The student shall be able to: explain the term “positioning” and shall be able to explain why he should go ahead with introducing a brand in an existing and maturing product category; explain the term “product life-cycle” and shall be able to take rational decision in the midst of pressing circumstances to manage a new product in a likely to decline market; and explain the term “new product development” and shall be able to apply the theories of new product development for brand success.
Supplementary materials
Management consulting, foreign direct investment, location decisions, business planning.
Subject area
Management consulting, foreign direct investment, location decisions, business planning.
Study level/applicability
Undergraduate and Postgraduate Business and Management or Executive Education.
Case overview
This case outlines the location decision-making process for Hay Group, a global management consulting firm. The process and factors involved in making decisions on new office openings in the Middle East region are highlighted. Particular attention is paid to location factors such as legislation, taxes, political risk and market attractiveness.
Expected learning outcomes
The case enables participants to learn about business conditions in the Middle East and to develop a business case for the opening of operations in new markets.
Supplementary materials
A teaching note is available on request.
Human resource management; primarily employment law impacting on employment relations.
Subject area
Human resource management; primarily employment law impacting on employment relations.
Study level/applicability
Second year (or 200 level) students up to post graduate programmes in Business Management, Human Resources Management and Law.
Case overview
The world is still fascinated by South Africas transition to democracy; what with stories of massacre (Sharpeville, etc.) of those who dared challenge white supremacy and the battle for prominence between the African National Congress and the Inkatha Freedom Party. Since gaining independence, South Africa has attracted investors from far and wide. Now and again, one hears news stories that report about forms of disgruntlement from whites and blacks, respectively. In some quarters, you may hear stories suggesting the white community has not completely gotten over their resentment of black leadership. In some other quarters, you are likely to hear the blacks insist that the South African land space belongs to them and as a result they should be in charge of the distribution of wealth, one must understand that much of the wealth of the South African land still resides with the Whites. In what is considered as a fair attempt to integrate all the citizens of the republic, the new government of Nelson Mandela came up with a constitution that is hailed as perhaps the best in the world. Carved out of the United Nations Human Rights Charter, it proposes a free society that recognizes all its inhabitants regardless of colour. Within the world of work, the constitution identifies seven very important statutes that not only give effect to and sustain the republics membership of the International Labour Organisation, but also help to realize and regulate the fundamental rights of workers and employers.
Main learning objective
Test students understanding of the legal statutes that pertain to employment relations and human resource management in South Africa.
Expected learning outcomes
Understand the legislation affecting management and staff. Understand and apply the principles of recruitment and selection of staff. Identify and apply the options open to managers in staff training and development. Identify and apply the appropriate performance management systems. Understand and apply the strategic human resource planning process.
Supplementary materials
Teaching note.
Islamic financial instruments, financial analysis, financial decision making.
Subject area
Islamic financial instruments, financial analysis, financial decision making.
Study level/applicability
Undergraduate Finance and Business.
Case overview
This case highlights the financial decision making by the UAE Islamic Bank, regarding an investment with Towers company. It focuses on considering the appropriate Islamic mode of financing and computing the relevant financial ratios to make the right decision.
Expected learning outcomes
This case can be used to teach Islamic financial instruments, financial analysis and financial decision making.
Supplementary materials
A teaching note is available on request.
– It is related to managerial accounting including style of management, evaluation method, risk management, responsibility accounting and reporting.
Subject area
– It is related to managerial accounting including style of management, evaluation method, risk management, responsibility accounting and reporting.
Student level/applicability
– It is suitable for both Bachelor's degree and Master's degree students to apply their comprehensive knowledge of managerial accounting on the case with relevance for the courses including managerial accounting, cost accounting, cost analysis and managerial accounting seminars.
Case overview
– Information given by the case informs about the decentralized management structure and style of a data communication company, Data Communication Company Limited. The delegation of authorization is used as the main control of the company to monitor the performance of each department. The case study describes the company's specific methods as well as the monitoring procedures and the reports. In addition, it also addresses the management's concerns regarding risks as it relates to the current market situation.
Expected learning outcomes
– To study managerial accounting courses by using this case, it certainly enhances effectiveness and efficiency of accounting curriculum. This case specifically provides a realistic perspective, comprehensive information and solution capability relevant to real world challenges, which can be applied to managerial accounting.
Supplementary materials
– Teaching note.
Dustin Moon, Rajkumar Venkatesan and Paul W. Farris
This case is intended to be part of a first-year MBA marketing course or a second-year elective in advertising, integrated marketing communications, market research, or marketing…
This case is intended to be part of a first-year MBA marketing course or a second-year elective in advertising, integrated marketing communications, market research, or marketing analytics. It provides students with two real advertising experiments and the challenges involved in executing them. It allows for discussion of the need for advertising experiments, and, at a more general level, the need to measure the return on marketing. Biases surrounding the field experiments provide an opportunity for discussion about the problems with establishing a causal relationship between advertising and sales.
Case length
Case provider
- The CASE Journal
- The Case for Women
- Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals
- Darden Business Publishing Cases
- Emerging Markets Case Studies
- Management School, Fudan University
- Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad
- Kellogg School of Management
- The Case Writing Centre, University of Cape Town, Graduate School of Business