Case studies
Teaching cases offers students the opportunity to explore real world challenges in the classroom environment, allowing them to test their assumptions and decision-making skills before taking their knowledge into the workplace.
Chad Plenge, Jordon Swain and James Cornwell
The case was created via an interview of the protagonist in 2018 at the US Military Academy by the authors.
Research methodology
The case was created via an interview of the protagonist in 2018 at the US Military Academy by the authors.
Case overview/synopsis
The case describes the dilemma First Lieutenant Williams faces when his platoon sergeant unexpectedly leaves. Organizational norms and accepted practices suggest Lieutenant Williams should choose the most senior squad leader, Staff Sergeant Boyer. The departing Platoon Sergeant even recommended Staff Sergeant Boyer. However, based on recent observations, Lieutenant Williams felt Staff Sergeant Boyer may not be the best fit. Instead, the lieutenant considered choosing the newest squad leader, Staff Sergeant Harrison, who seemed to be highly proficient, but had yet to prove himself. Before the lieutenant could fully weight his options, Staff Sergeant Boyer confronted him about a decision.
Complexity academic level
This case is designed for use in undergraduate courses on leadership and management. The case was not only designed primarily for teaching a lesson on organizational justice, but can also be used to integrate lessons on communication, power and influence, and decision making. Each of these elements is present in the case. The instructor can choose to incorporate them into the lesson for a more wholly encompassing lesson or choose to focus on only the organizational justice aspects at play in the case.
The fraud diamond theory, the COSO framework on internal control and theories of ethical leadership and ethical decision making are applied.
Theoretical basis
The fraud diamond theory, the COSO framework on internal control and theories of ethical leadership and ethical decision making are applied.
Research methodology
The details of this case were compiled using publicly available information, including court records and news reports. No modifications were made to the names of individuals or places mentioned in the case. All resources have been properly cited.
Case overview/synopsis
Employee embezzlement is a common issue in limited resource organizations when adequate controls are not in place to prevent or detect fraud. In such organizations, personal financial hardships can drive individuals to commit crimes that are out of character. This case is a story of a respectable small-town couple implicated in a near million dollar embezzlement scheme. Students are asked to consider what went wrong and propose solutions for the prevention of similar crimes. Lessons learned from this case emphasize the importance of ethical leadership, creating a strong ethical environment and how small unethical acts can escalate over time.
Complexity academic level
Instructors can utilize this case to teach the topics of ethical leadership and decision making, fraud prevention and detection and internal controls. The themes of this case fit well into any business ethics, accounting or auditing course at the undergraduate or graduate level. The case has been implemented in courses for full-time and part-time MBAs, and master’s programs in finance, human resources and accounting.
Susan Chaplinsky, Luann J. Lynch and Paul Doherty
This case is one of a pair of cases used in a merger negotiation. It is designed to be used with “British Petroleum, Ltd.” (UVA-F-1263). One-half of the class prepares only the…
This case is one of a pair of cases used in a merger negotiation. It is designed to be used with “British Petroleum, Ltd.” (UVA-F-1263). One-half of the class prepares only the British Petroleum (BP) case, and one-half uses this case. BP and Amoco are considering a merger, and are in the process of negotiating a merger agreement. Macroeconomic assumptions, particularly forecasting future oil prices in an uncertain environment, and assumptions about Amoco's ability to reduce exploration and production costs make Amoco's future cash flows difficult to predict.

Carlos Omar Trejo-Pech, Susan White and Magdy Noguera
Controladora Comercial Mexicana, a Mexican retailer, had successfully managed the bankruptcy process and was ready to emerge from its problems, primarily caused by speculation and…
Controladora Comercial Mexicana, a Mexican retailer, had successfully managed the bankruptcy process and was ready to emerge from its problems, primarily caused by speculation and excessive debt, and begin operations anew. Was the restructured Comerci capable of regaining its position as a premier retailer, and more importantly, was the firm capable of repaying the high level of debt that it carried following bankruptcy reorganization? How strong was the reorganized firm? Had Comerci truly left its problems behind in bankruptcy court, or would history repeat itself? How could Comerci raise funds needed for growth – through additional debt? Though asset sales?
Research methodology
This case was researched using publicly available information, including the company's financial statements, bankruptcy filings, news stories about the bankruptcy and financial data bases (e.g. ISI Emerging Markets, Economática, Capital IQ, etc.) to obtain information about the competitors and from financial analysts.
Relevant courses and levels
This case is intended for advanced undergraduate or MBA electives in finance. Students should have a basic understanding of valuation and financing before attempting this case. The case could also be used in a corporate finance or banking class to illustrate bankruptcy and credit risk, or could be used in an international business class to illustrate the differences between USA and international bankruptcies.
Bonita Betters-Reed and Elise Porter
Leadership, organizational behavior, entrepreneurship.
Subject area
Leadership, organizational behavior, entrepreneurship.
Study level/applicability
This case study is intended for undergraduate and graduate levels.
Case overview
This is a leadership case about Agnes Jean Brugger, founder of the A.J. Brugger Education Project (also known as the A.J. Brugger Foundation (AJBF)) in San Juan del Sur, Nicaragua. It is the story of how and why she and Chris Berry co-founded this unique non-profit foundation in tandem with Piedras Y Olas: Pelican Eyes Resort (PEPO) in the late 1990s. The case focuses on how her identity and values shape the origins of AJBF and how the organization evolves in the context of the Nicaraguan and Anglo-American cultures. “Devoted to assisting Nicaragua through education and development of one of the country's most valuable and treasured resources: its young people”, the vision for AJBF was a cutting edge socially conscious venture that grew to meet the needs of the community that had captured Jean's heart and mind. The case ends in early 2009 on the precipice of the biggest economic down-turn the US economy has experienced in recent history. Standing at the edge of this cliff, Jean contemplates the numerous successful accomplishments of the foundation, while reflecting on the many leadership and organizational problems she, as Founder and Chair of the Board, faces.
Expected learning outcomes
The case will help participants to: evaluate and discuss leadership effectiveness, identifying responses to opportunities and challenges; explain cross-cultural identity from the Globe Study model and how it impacts organizational interactions; explore successful models of cross-cultural leadership through the lens of gendered theory; explore the ways in which social entrepreneurship can be seen as an extension of socially-minded leadership; describe how socially-minded entrepreneurship is different from traditional forms of entrepreneurship; describe social identity and evaluate its impact on leadership; and discuss the rich historical and community context that influences interpersonal and organizational dynamics.
Supplementary materials
Teaching notes are available for educators only. Please contact your library to gain login details or e-mail to request teaching notes.
Fauzia Jabeen and Marios I. Katsioloudes
Entrepreneurship, strategic management and international business management.
Subject area
Entrepreneurship, strategic management and international business management.
Study level/applicability
This case is intended for teaching entrepreneurship, strategic management, international business courses at the undergraduate as well as graduate levels.
Case overview
This is a field-researched real case about a growing fast food business started by local UAE entrepreneurs in Abu Dhabi and Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE). Just Falafel, a UAE based fast food pioneer company in the vegetarian and healthy food category is one of the most popular food outlets in the UAE. The company was poised for growth as demand was exceeding all expectations. Newer markets were being considered for expansion. By taking into consideration the present economic conditions as well as market stability it is possible to make a detailed calculation of market growth. There were many challenges Just Falafel had to face: increasing demand and brand awareness of Western fast food giants; and the future skills Just Falafel needed to develop to meet the regional and global challenges. Just Falafel specializes only in falafel and the company devised different flavors to differentiate its sandwiches based on each culture. This in turn expanded the outlet greatly and it gained high revenues in a short period of time. But there are many challenges and hurdles which the company has to consider if it is continue in the future. The owners and management are wondering what their next step ought to be in light of the economic recession. Should they expand? If so, where? If not, why not?
Expected learning outcomes
The case will help students to identify and evaluate the business strategy and the business model adopted by the company for international expansion. This will also enable students to critically think in various facets and reach a decision based on the facts provided.
Supplementary materials
Teaching notes are available for educators only. Please contact your library to gain login details or email to request teaching notes.
Subject area
Study level/applicability
The case can be taught for students at the Master's level and research scholars in management education.
Case overview
Univexcellence was an idea conceived by Surbhi from her science project in 1997 when she was studying at Kendriya Vidyalaya, Jaipur, India. The science project model was based on the theme “World is a classroom, room is university”. It was shown that the world would be converted into a room, and the room itself would become a University through satellite communication. Surbhi decided to become a computer engineer and learn about it herself so as to become self-dependent as a business woman. Keeping this in mind, she completed a computer engineering course. A strong sense of efficacy enhances human accomplishment and personal well-being in many ways. Surbhi has proved it in her case.
Expected learning outcomes
The case describes challenges and setbacks faced by a woman entrepreneur and through her self-confidence and persistence, illustrate show she solved them to the benefit of her business.
Supplementary materials
Teaching notes are available for educators only. Please contact your library to gain login details or e-mail to request teaching notes.
Melodena Stephens Balakrishnan and Immanuel Azaad Moonesar
Emiratisation, dual bottom-line, destination policy making and strategic development, ecosystem perspective and human capital.
Subject area
Emiratisation, dual bottom-line, destination policy making and strategic development, ecosystem perspective and human capital.
Study level/applicability
This case is suitable for undergraduate and postgraduate students studying policy; strategy and human resources. Practitioners from the human resource industry, government sector and destination marketing may also benefit from the case.
Case overview
ATIC is an investment company with a dual bottom line mandate. This means besides the financial objective it has for its investors (which is largely the Government of Abu Dhabi), it must contribute to socio-economic objectives outlined by the Abu Dhabi Vision 2030. For this perspective, ATIC had developed a unique approach looking at the “Ecosystem” perspective. Some key areas are destination development as an advanced technology hub and human capital development or “Emiratisation”. All these are key to long-term success of the country as the Middle East North Africa region has one of the youngest populations and an increasing unemployment rate. Most government organizations are saturated and it is vital that nationals start working and performing in the private sector. This case outlines the plans and efforts of ATIC towards those goals.
Expected learning outcomes
Management of “Emiratisation” at policy and implementation; scenario planning and strategy management especially looking at advanced technology sector; organizational values – development and implementation at recruitment and marketing; destination marketing and policy looking at the case of Abu Dhabi, stakeholder management.
Supplementary materials
Teaching notes.
Management, strategy, entrepreneurship.
Subject area
Management, strategy, entrepreneurship.
Study level/applicability
MBA, executive education.
Case overview
The case deals with the challenges of fundraising and location decision making for a high technology start up company based in the United Arab Emirates. Tan Rasab is a Chief Executive and co-founder of Sensehere, a high technology start up company involved in the design and development of semiconductors for wireless sensors. The company has developed a unique technology that allows sensors to dramatically reduce energy consumption and thereby improve battery life of sensors.The company is currently based in the UAE, where it finds the environment highly supportive overall but challenging from the point of view of fund raising. On the other hand in China the company is meeting significant investor interest and several partnerships have been concluded. Despite the advantages offered by the UAE environment, the company is considering moving some or all of its operations to China.
Expected learning outcomes
Familiarise students with the challenges of fundraising for new ventures.
Understand the implications of technological breakthroughs in different application areas.
Develop an understanding for the different considerations to be made when choosing a location for business functions.
Familiarise students with the challenges of fundraising for new ventures.
Understand the implications of technological breakthroughs in different application areas.
Develop an understanding for the different considerations to be made when choosing a location for business functions.
Supplementary materials
Teaching notes.
The case describes the launch of Twiga Hosting Ltd, a company providing information and communication technology (ICT) services to the underserved small and medium enterprise…
Subject area
The case describes the launch of Twiga Hosting Ltd, a company providing information and communication technology (ICT) services to the underserved small and medium enterprise (SME) sector in Tanzania and in a many countries in Africa.
Study level/applicability
This case targets a range of audience from undergraduate students taking both Bachelor of Commerce and those taking Bachelor of Business Administration; and Postgraduate students taking business-related courses. Nonetheless, the case may be used by all other learners of advanced studies in entrepreneurship and innovation management.
Case overview
The case addresses a number of issues including:
Issues to be considered when starting an ICT enterprise.
Strategic management.
Business revenue models.
Issues to be considered when starting an ICT enterprise.
Strategic management.
Business revenue models.
Expected learning outcomes
To impart/inculcate entrepreneurial insights in ICT and related areas.
To make learners aware of the business growth opportunities in ICT ventures.
The success factors for fruitful ICT ventures.
To enable learners to identify challenges facing entrepreneurs in ICT ventures and the ways to overcome them.
Supplementary materials
Teaching notes.
Finance, accountancy, auditing.
Subject area
Finance, accountancy, auditing.
Study level/applicability
Supports information systems audit (ISA), auditing practises and controls, corporate governance and internal controls and financial management modules, business administration and MBA programmes.
Case overview
The case study focuses on the implementation of ISA and information technology in the highly responsible task of executing financial audits The case emphasises on the fact that the advantages of ISA can only be reaped when they are amalgamated with an auditor's scrutiny, sharp eye, extensive knowledge of auditing systems and accounting principles and a rich experience of the auditing function. The suggested synergy also facilitates a reduction of around 60 per cent, in the cost of executing the audits and the man-hours required to complete the audit, as in the case of Jain Chowdhary & Company.
Expected learning outcomes
The case helps students to comprehend the relevance of audit trail. It emphasises on the importance of identifying the source of information and tracking raw data backward. It familiarises the students with the complexities involved in a real audit and emphasises on the role of logic, intelligence, diligence, patience and farsightedness while performing the auditing function. It is important for them to understand how White collar crimes take place in real business economy. This case, hence exposes students to these nuances and can make a student, from a non-commerce background, understand the key elements of efficient auditing. (Elaborate teaching objectives are appended in the teaching note.)
Supplementary materials
Teaching note.
Igor V. Gladkikh, Sergei A. Starov, Edward Desmarais and Gavriel Meirovich
The case describes the popular Russian children's animated TV series named the Smeshariki, its parent company (Marmelad), the domestic animation industry, and the principal…
The case describes the popular Russian children's animated TV series named the Smeshariki, its parent company (Marmelad), the domestic animation industry, and the principal international rivals and their respective animated products and/or services. The series' success led to the organic growth of vertically and horizontally related business units. Marmelad's business units' scope included producing more than 200, six and one-half minute episodes of the Smeshariki, branded children's products (e.g. educational games), granting licenses to manufacturers, establishing a network of kindergartens, and licensing the Smeshariki animated series to exhibitors in international markets. Key issues the company faces include: brand management for the Smeshariki and Marmelad, domestic and international competition in the Russian animation industry, and the need for professional management. The case provides instructors with a range of options including a holistic marketing case, or one that concentrates on focused marketing issues (i.e. all or parts of the marketing mix, brand architecture, brand equity and brand management).
Strategy, competitive analysis, remittance industry.
Subject area
Strategy, competitive analysis, remittance industry.
Study level/applicability
Undergraduate and postgraduate business and management.
Case overview
This case study examines the money transfer and foreign exchange industry in the Middle East context particularly United Arab Emirates. It focuses on the strategy making process. Possible business level strategies different firms can employ will be a consideration in the process of strategy making. Also, the stakeholder perspectives in the strategy making process are also dealt with. The characteristic required for cost leadership, differentiation, and focus needs to be matched with the context to arrive at an optimal strategy. The importance of arriving at a strategy to avoid being stuck in the middle during a period of financial crisis is one of the key areas of discussion.
Expected learning outcomes
This case can be used to teach: the stakeholder perspective, business level strategy, cost leadership, differentiation, remittance industry, foreign exchange business, and strategy process.
Supplementary materials
A teaching note is available on request.
Shahriar Khaksari, Khaled Amira, Lacey Teixeira, Rosa J. Vela and Zhimin Liu
Doug Scovanner, CFO of Target Corporation, was about to present his proposal at the November 2008 Board meeting. He was prepared to discuss immediate strategic actions which would…
Doug Scovanner, CFO of Target Corporation, was about to present his proposal at the November 2008 Board meeting. He was prepared to discuss immediate strategic actions which would provide support for working capital for the discount retailer. The retail community was about to suffer their worst fourth quarter in recent memory. Consumer spending had contracted, unemployment was rising and the deflated housing market had driven the economy into a recession. Although discount retailers had fared better than other industries during the second and third quarters, they were not immune to the overall economic downturn which had become a global crisis. To further complicate matters, Target's largest competitor, Wal-Mart, just posted third quarter growth even though Target was bracing for a busy holiday season. Scovanner anticipated further strain on working capital before year-end as cash flow tightened and the capital markets remained at a virtual stand-still.
David E. Desplaces, Roxane M. Delaurell and Laquita C. Blockson
This critical incident offers students the opportunity to develop an understanding of the issues associated with intellectual property (IP) law and the ways to protect a business…
This critical incident offers students the opportunity to develop an understanding of the issues associated with intellectual property (IP) law and the ways to protect a business from its employees and potential unfair competition. Using a restaurant setting students can learn to apply IP concepts, discuss the issues of trademark, as well as develop a legal IP check list.
Lynda L. Moore and Bonita L. Betters-Reed
This case is about Kija Kim, a Korean born founder and CEO of Harvard Design and Mapping Inc. (HDM). Founded in 1988, HDM is a cutting-edge GIS firm with $5 million in revenue and…
This case is about Kija Kim, a Korean born founder and CEO of Harvard Design and Mapping Inc. (HDM). Founded in 1988, HDM is a cutting-edge GIS firm with $5 million in revenue and 35 employees in their Cambridge, MA and Washington D.C. offices. Through Kija Kim's leadership, HDM has become a significant niche player in homeland security and disaster relief. The case ends in fall 2005 just after HDM provided Hurricane Katrina mapping support, and Kija is nominated for the SBA Small Business Person of the Year. This case explores the intersection between cultural heritage, leadership effectiveness and organizational behavior. It particularly notes Kija's ability to turn her immigrant female minority status into a business advantage. This strength coupled with her ethos of care and ability to network in all walks of her life contributes to her distinctive and integrated leadership style. Definitions of leadership success and implications for decision making are also highlighted.
Michael Tucker, Winston Tellis and Dina Franceschi
Fonkoze is the largest Microfinance Institution in Haiti whose clients are mostly poor women. The authors had access to documents and meetings of the organization for an extended…
Fonkoze is the largest Microfinance Institution in Haiti whose clients are mostly poor women. The authors had access to documents and meetings of the organization for an extended period, and observed the growth of the organization from a single office to 21 branch offices. In so doing, their staff had to spend increasing time in fundraising so that they could make more loans to the existing and new customers. This case presents the decisions of the Board and the management to alleviate some of those problems. Against a backdrop of political and civil turmoil, the case could be instructive for students and instructors alike. The Board had to decide whether to apply for status as a regulated bank, or to transform into some other financial entity.
Case length
Case provider
- The CASE Journal
- The Case for Women
- Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals
- Darden Business Publishing Cases
- Emerging Markets Case Studies
- Management School, Fudan University
- Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad
- Kellogg School of Management
- The Case Writing Centre, University of Cape Town, Graduate School of Business