Case studies

Teaching cases offers students the opportunity to explore real world challenges in the classroom environment, allowing them to test their assumptions and decision-making skills before taking their knowledge into the workplace.

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Case study
Publication date: 1 January 2011

Gaunette Sinclair-Maragh

Hospitality and tourism management; strategic management; marketing, transportation system management and human resource management.


Subject area

Hospitality and tourism management; strategic management; marketing, transportation system management and human resource management.

Study level/applicability

Undergraduate in business and management and hospitality and tourism management.

Case overview

This teaching case outlines the historical background, successes and challenges of the national airline of Jamaica. It shows how a national airline, which is a heritage asset and one that has provided nostalgic and sentimental value to the Jamaican people and its passengers, had to be divested. The airline has been faced with several challenges; the major one being high-operating costs, especially in light of the global economic recession. The case also highlights the various procedures carried out by the Government of Jamaica before and after the divestment arrangement and also by the acquirer, Caribbean Airlines.

Expected learning outcomes

The student should be able to: first, differentiate among the various strategic management terms and concepts used in the case; second, explain the importance of strategic decisions versus emotional decisions; third, assess the environmental factors that impacted Air Jamaica's operation; fourth, analyse the environmental factors that should have been considered by Caribbean Airlines before making the decision to acquire Air Jamaica; fifth, carry out a comparative analysis of the various corporate-level strategies to identify the best option for the Government of Jamaica; sixth, propose reasons why Caribbean Airlines acquired Air Jamaica.

Supplementary materials

Teaching note.


Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies, vol. 1 no. 1
Type: Case Study
ISSN: 2045-0621


Case study
Publication date: 1 January 2011

Margie Parikh

Leadership development, career planning and management, management of start-ups, construction industry in India.


Subject area

Leadership development, career planning and management, management of start-ups, construction industry in India.

Study level/applicability

Post graduate management courses, executive training programs/modules in leadership development; organizational culture and construction management.

Case overview

This case illustrates the shortcomings of both the management and leadership at a start-up business within a growing industry. The rapidly growing construction equipment manufacture and renting activity in India and the lack of structure, systems and resources characteristic of start-ups are complicated more by the fact that Itsun Heavy Industry India Pvt. Ltd (IHIIPL) was in India while its head quarter was in China. In exploring the diverse human, organizational and operational problems shadowing IHIIPL and their causes, students cannot only diagnose what went wrong and why for Dilip, but also sense how he could have handled these issues more effectively.

Expected learning outcomes

Dilip's case cautions managers against issues common to many industries and organizations and students will examine: self assessment and career choices: the case raises question of the gap between what was needed at IHIIPL and what skills and qualities Dilip brought to the job; leadership and leadership challenge: the case raises question of what kind of attitudes and actions constitute effective leadership; and managing the company performance for a start-up: Dilip faced a constant stream of operating problems: lack of procedures and systems, a non-supportive headquarter in China, inexperienced staff, shortages of resources and material and internal conflicts.

Supplementary materials

Teaching note.


Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies, vol. 1 no. 1
Type: Case Study
ISSN: 2045-0621


Case study
Publication date: 1 January 2011

Melodena Stephens Balakrishnan, Payyazhi Jayashree and Ian Michael

Strategy, Emiratisation (national policy); human resources (recruitment, training and development, organizational culture and values) and marketing (branding, communication)…


Subject area

Strategy, Emiratisation (national policy); human resources (recruitment, training and development, organizational culture and values) and marketing (branding, communication), tourism (destination image).

Study level/applicability

Undergraduate and Postgraduate Business and Management.

Case overview

This case highlights the strategy and initiatives taken by Etihad to attract Emirati employees (local nationals) to join the organization. Etihad Airways is the national airline of the United Arab Emirates (UAE), based in Abu Dhabi, the national capital. Since its inception in 2003, the airline has grown faster than any other in commercial aviation history; it currently flies to more than 60 destinations in Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, the Middle East and North America. In the UAE, nationals or Emiratis comprise only 20 per cent of the overall population. According to the UAE 2021 Vision, the government's focus is on building the human capabilities on knowledge and innovation for Emiratis. This vision is reinforced in the Abu Dhabi Economic Vision 2030, which aims to boost national participation, encourage women (national women are on average more highly educated than the men) and decrease the education – market demand gap through training.

Expected learning outcomes

This case can be used to teach strategy from the point of view of government, human resources and marketing. From the government point of view parallels can be drawn to other nations whose government have focused on policies to create opportunities for and to encourage local employability. An example of a similar programme that was very successful is the “Bumiputra” programme created for indigenous Malaysians in 1971. In the area of human resource strategy, recruitment, training, inculcation of corporate values are some areas that can be reinforced. Form the point of view of marketing; the case can be used to discuss branding from the point of view of people, loyalty building (internal) and communication (internal and external). Destination branding and the role airlines play can also be a discussion point from the strategic point of view with some opportunity for macro-environmental analysis using the PESTLE model.

Supplementary materials

A teaching note available upon request.


Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies, vol. 1 no. 1
Type: Case Study
ISSN: 2045-0621


Case study
Publication date: 1 January 2011

Mukta Kamplikar

Services management, strategy, marketing.


Subject area

Services management, strategy, marketing.

Study level/applicability

Services management, strategy, marketing.

Case overview

Owned and operated by the Tata Group, Ginger Hotels is the first-of-its-kind of Smart Basics™ hotels across India. The case explores the business model and the relevance of the service concept given the Indian context and consumer behaviour, the marketing strategy, and communication strategy of Ginger. Challenges such as the use of outsourcing, learning and development, and attrition are discussed.

Expected learning outcomes

From a marketing perspective, this case can be used to demonstrate understanding of consumer behavior, reshaping customer expectations, perceived service quality, Gaps in service, service orientation, and value-for-money positioning, aggressive advertising and promotions, use of the marketing mix to introduce a new service concept in a market. From a management perspective, the case can be used to highlight how the marketing strategy is being delivered through a focus on service staff (selection, training, and motivation) and operations (logistics, IT, and communications), and branding (brand strategy – alignment to the corporate strategy).Third, the case is suitable for highlighting strategy – analyzing current competitive advantages, and carving out potential future competitive advantages in a services context. For example, strategic analysis models such as Porter's industry analysis and value-chain models can be applied to examine the sources and sustainability of Ginger's competitive advantages. The case can also be used for teaching service innovation.

Supplementary materials

Teaching note.


Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies, vol. 1 no. 1
Type: Case Study
ISSN: 2045-0621


Case study
Publication date: 1 January 2011

Chux Gervase Iwu

Human resource management; primarily employment law impacting on employment relations.


Subject area

Human resource management; primarily employment law impacting on employment relations.

Study level/applicability

Second year (or 200 level) students up to post graduate programmes in Business Management, Human Resources Management and Law.

Case overview

The world is still fascinated by South Africas transition to democracy; what with stories of massacre (Sharpeville, etc.) of those who dared challenge white supremacy and the battle for prominence between the African National Congress and the Inkatha Freedom Party. Since gaining independence, South Africa has attracted investors from far and wide. Now and again, one hears news stories that report about forms of disgruntlement from whites and blacks, respectively. In some quarters, you may hear stories suggesting the white community has not completely gotten over their resentment of black leadership. In some other quarters, you are likely to hear the blacks insist that the South African land space belongs to them and as a result they should be in charge of the distribution of wealth, one must understand that much of the wealth of the South African land still resides with the Whites. In what is considered as a fair attempt to integrate all the citizens of the republic, the new government of Nelson Mandela came up with a constitution that is hailed as perhaps the best in the world. Carved out of the United Nations Human Rights Charter, it proposes a free society that recognizes all its inhabitants regardless of colour. Within the world of work, the constitution identifies seven very important statutes that not only give effect to and sustain the republics membership of the International Labour Organisation, but also help to realize and regulate the fundamental rights of workers and employers.

Main learning objective

Test students understanding of the legal statutes that pertain to employment relations and human resource management in South Africa.

Expected learning outcomes

Understand the legislation affecting management and staff. Understand and apply the principles of recruitment and selection of staff. Identify and apply the options open to managers in staff training and development. Identify and apply the appropriate performance management systems. Understand and apply the strategic human resource planning process.

Supplementary materials

Teaching note.


Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies, vol. 1 no. 1
Type: Case Study
ISSN: 2045-0621



Subject area

Leadership, psychology.

Study level/applicability

Organizational behavior, international business, gender and society at Undergraduate level.

Case overview

This short case describes a qualitative investigation on the dynamics of power between young business leaders and senior supervisees in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Views from both the supervisors and supervisees on current working relationships are presented.

Expected learning outcomes

After reading and discussing the case, participants are expected to be able to identify key concepts from organizational behavior theory, including stereotyping, leadership styles, and influence tactics. Participants should also become sensitized to gender roles and their influence on workplace behavior.

Supplementary materials

Teaching notes.


Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies, vol. 1 no. 1
Type: Case Study
ISSN: 2045-0621


Case study
Publication date: 1 January 2011

Jayashree Payyazhi

HR, strategic alignment, organizational culture and change and organizational theory and design.


Subject area

HR, strategic alignment, organizational culture and change and organizational theory and design.

Study level/applicability

Suitable for undergraduate and graduate students taking up advanced courses in HR, Change Management, Organizational Theory and Design.

Case overview

This case spotlights Production Services Network (PSN) Emirates JV and the strengths of its global network. The case raises many important issues related to building a unified culture across a global organization. The case specifically focuses on the significance of sourcing the right talent and training them for the success of PSN's global network.

Expected learning outcomes

This case may be used to teach topics such as leading cultural changes, steps to build a strong organizational culture and the significance of systemic alignment for successful strategy execution.

Supplementary materials

A teaching note is available on request.


Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies, vol. 1 no. 1
Type: Case Study
ISSN: 2045-0621



Subject area

Strategic marketing/marketing management.

Study level/applicability

Undergraduate and post graduate courses in the principles of marketing, strategic marketing, strategic management, services marketing and hospitability management.

Case overview

This case focuses on the critical success factors of “Scandic” hotel chain by highlighting its road to becoming the leading hotel chain in the Baltic region. This case covers a wide range of situations in which strategic marketing decisions were made, for example, the Scandic Sustainability Fund, supporting initiatives to promote sustainable social development. Special attention is devoted to how the case company's business philosophy is implemented to identify and differentiate its customers, in order to sustain a customer centric strategy and develop long lasting relationships.

Expected learning outcomes

Following analysis of the case students should be able to: first, understand how marketing strategies can be utilized to effectively differentiate organizations from their competitors by capitalising on distinctive strengths, leading to the delivery of better value to stakeholders; second, understand how marketing strategy deals with the interplay of “the strategic three Cs” (customer, competition and corporation) in better satisfying customer needs; third, appreciate how companies operate within a given environment and the benefits of developing an environmental strategy.

Supplementary materials

Teaching note including lecture plan.


Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies, vol. 1 no. 1
Type: Case Study
ISSN: 2045-0621



Subject area

Human resource management.

Study level/applicability

Undergraduate and graduate level Human Resource Management programmes; Leadership modules.

Case overview

This case accounts the experience of a Malaysian company, Telekom Malaysia Berhad, in implementing talent management practices in its organization. There were several developments that prompted Telekom Malaysia Berhad to initiate a talent management program. The emergence of competitors had forced the company to introduce initiatives to sustain the business. One of the key initiatives involved the need to better manage its talent. The talent management process at Telekom Malaysia Bhd is divided into four key stages. These are first, talent spotting; second, talent assessment and endorsement; third, formulation of individual development plan; and the fourth, readiness level assessment. Each of these stages is implemented using a well-defined set of standards and activities.

Expected learning outcomes

This case examines how commitment and support from line management is crucial in the successful implementation of a talent management program and HR-related initiatives generally. Line managers are identified as the missing linchpin between HRM and organizational performance. The case will also identify how the role of line managers is now shifting to support the HR in a strategic sense. Thus, we find a shift in the HR profession from personnel management to strategic human resource management. The case examines the importance of a positive leader-member relationship, creating a culture which is receptive to change. This can be achieved by transformational leader who fosters closer relationships with subordinates. Finally, the case pinpoints how development can occurs in three main ways – on the job experiences, relationships, networking and feedback and formal training opportunities.

Supplementary materials

Teaching note.


Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies, vol. 1 no. 1
Type: Case Study
ISSN: 2045-0621


Case study
Publication date: 1 January 2011

Sheryl E. Kimes and Jochen Wirtz

Segmentation, business impacts of decision making, hotel management.


Subject area

Segmentation, business impacts of decision making, hotel management.

Study level/applicability

Undergraduate Business or Finance.

Case overview

The sales manager at a Caribbean hotel wonders whether to accept a large block booking at a discount rate from a group participating in an international sporting event. Do the promised publicity benefits justify the risk of turning away guests from higher paying segments?

Expected learning outcomes

The case should: highlight the potential for conflicts when customers from different segments with different needs and expectations find themselves in close contact with each other; identify the trade offs that may have to be made when acceptance of a large block booking might displace regular customers; and calculate the incremental financial impact of revenues from new business less revenues forgone when capacity limitations mean that some traditional business will have to be turned away to accommodate the block booking.

Supplementary materials

Teaching notes.


Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies, vol. 1 no. 1
Type: Case Study
ISSN: 2045-0621


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